Update on Lindsay Girls Dock8 Charity Fundraiser

Casago Yellowstone would like to thank everyone who donated to our recent fundraiser that benefited the Lindsay Girls Dock8 fund! We are excited to give you the results of the fundraiser! 

A very generous donor, who requested to remain anonymous, will be vacationing in Island Park next year. This family of five is very excited as a Yellowstone vacation has been a dream of theirs for a long time. If you would still like to donate, please click this link: https://cota.org/campaigns/COTAforLindsayGirls/events/Drawing-for-a-Week-Stay-near-Yellowstone-National-Park Your funds will go directly to the COTA (Children’s Organ Transplant Association) for the Lindsay girls continuing medical needs.

Both girls have had their bone marrow transplants and are doing well, but there will be continuing treatments needed well into adulthood.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.